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Top Motorcycle Safety Tips: How To Avoid Motorcycle Accident

July 05, 2019
Girl On A Bike

Motorcycle accident statistics

It’s no secret that motorbike riding carries a far higher risk than riding in a car. Thankfully, you have more control than you might think. That’s why we have prepared this article with the best motorcycle safety tips!

Stay tuned – by the end of this article, you’ll know exactly how Pando Moto saves lives with CE-approved motorbike gear!

The MAIDS (Motorcycle Accidents In-Depth Study) report is the world’s latest large-scale study of motorcycle accidents in Europe. The report investigates 900+ Powered Two-Wheeler accidents across five European nations between 1999 and 2009: France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and Italy. Here are the report’s main findings:

  • In urban areas, more L1 vehicles were involved in accidents than L3 vehicles.
  • 3% of Power Two-Wheeler accidents occurred at an intersection.
  • Passenger cars were the most frequent collision partner (60%).
  • 72% of all accidents occurred in urban areas.
  • A lack of comparable exposure data made it challenging to determine the “riskiest” month, day of the week, or time of day.
  • 103 accidents were fatal.

Most common motorcycle accidents

  • Emergency stops to avoid accidents
  • Steering errors, especially in curves
  • Braking errors (i.e. blocked brakes)
  • Failure to keep a safe following distance from the car ahead
  • Cars coming from the sideway and not yielding the motorcycle the right of way at an intersection
  • Cars entering the road from parking areas, like gas stations
  • Cars coming from the opposite direction towards you and turning in the wrong lane in front
  • Cars coming from the opposite direction and driving in the wrong lane
  • Cars moving in the same direction and hitting a motorcycle from behind on the intersection on a stop sign
  • Cars moving in the same direction and changing lanes during a traffic jam

Check out these motorcycle safety tips for a good and professional cornering:

5 Motorcycle safety tips

Wear a helmet with a face shield or protective eyewear

The best way to protect yourself against severe head injuries is to wear a helmet. A rider who is not wearing a helmet is 5 x times likely to experience a critical head injury.

Always maintain good riding skills

No matter if you are a PRO or just a beginner – riding a motorcycle is not a passive process so develop riding techniques that work best for your safety and sharpen your street-riding skills.

You are not always visible

Don’t think that every driver in traffic can see you.  One of the most common motorcycle accidents is caused by a driver violating a biker’s right of way. Basic tips to stay visible: headlights always on, stay out of a driver’s blind spot, use your signal when needed and watch out for turning vehicles.

Stick to the traffic rules

Don’t exceed the speed limit: your speed affects your braking time. Just be aware of the local surroundings and obey the traffic rules of the road.

Wear protective, CE approved motorcycle clothing

Make sure to wear protective gear and clothing that will minimize the number of injuries in case of an accident. Wearing leather clothing, boots with nonskid soles, and gloves can protect your body from severe injuries. Pando Moto is a world leader in motorcycle gear that’s simple, sleek, durable, and fully CE-Certified, PPE under EN 17092, level AA. In other words. You’ll feel safe on the road at speeds of up to 70 km/hour. Pando Moto’s sophisticated technology comes in the form of a single layer, either Dyneema® or Cordura® denim with DuPont™ Kevlar® lining. Real-world tests show that Pando Moto’s jeans can be 15 x stronger than steel. Click here to find out how and why!

Top #3 countries by highest road infrastructure quality

  • Denmark
  • Great Britain
  • Netherlands

Top #3 countries by medium road infrastructure quality

  • Portugal
  • Switzerland
  • Sweden

Top #3 countries by lowest road infrastructure quality

  • France
  • Italy
  • Spain

Ce-Approved, Level AA Motorcycle Gear Bestsellers

A real-life story of how Pando Moto products are saving lives

“On a normal day during October 2018, I was knocked down by a very large truck (17.5 tonnes). I’m just pleased I’m able to tell this story myself as perhaps not many people might be lucky enough to do that.”

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most common cause of motorcycle accidents?

The most common cause of motorcycle accidents is an emergency stop to avoid an accident with a car, bike, or any other object.

What percentage of motorcycle accidents are fatal?

According to Crashstats: in 2013, motorcyclists accounted for 14 percent of all traffic fatalities.

What percentage of motorcycle riders have accidents?

According to ~90% of motorcyclists have had an accident.

What jeans will do in a motorcycle crash?

For example, Pando Moto is using two different technologies: ARAMID (DuPont™ Kevlar®) that can withstand the speed of up to 70 km/hour and Dyneema® – the world’s toughest fiber material and it’s 15 times stronger than steel.

Check this Pando Moto video review Of Dyneema® safety capabilities:

Road Infrastructure Quality Affects Motorcycle Safety

FEMA surveyed 17,000 European motorcycle riders, revealing that road infrastructure problems are notorious for causing near-accidents.

How To Avoid Motorcycle Accident -  Safety Tips When Riding A Motorcycle In Europe: 1 of 1
How To Avoid Motorcycle Accident – Safety Tips When Riding A Motorcycle In Europe: 1 of 1

Most of the new and modern motorcycles have great technologies implemented which add extra safety, for example, the option of an anti-lock braking system (ABS) which prevents the wheels from locking up or skidding under excessive brake application. However, your riding skills, experience, attention to surroundings, motorcycle gear – everything is a BIG advantage to prevent motorcycle accidents. So use these advantages for your own safety.

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