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The Stunter: Paulius Labanauskas

July 28, 2020

Paulius Labanauskas has had a passion for motorcycles since he was a child; he craved the power, the speed, that extreme sense of freedom that only riding can satisfy. Growing up he realised that the road was not enough for him, he wanted more and he kept on pushing the boundaries until he was finally crowned World Champion of Stunt Riding in 2017. The title recognises his relentless commitment, his struggles, falls, and rises but mostly his never giving up.

Paulius has not stopped here. He believes that to achieve the best, one must fight every day. Safety is not something he is willing to compromise on, that’s why he has chosen to wear ROBBY COR 01 during his training. Made from state-of-the-art materials and able to withstand high impact speed, the jeans have quickly become part of his story. After months and months of crashes and falls, ROBBY COR 01 stood out for their extreme durability. The jeans bear the scratches of every fall, but they have not torn to expose the skin to the road. Their unparalleled resistance gives our riders peace of mind in knowing they have invested in the safest gear on the market. High quality, no-frills, and unparalleled comfort – these jeans were created with our street riders in mind, to accompany them in their journey and keep them safe during each and every ride. 

Being a great rider doesn’t mean you will never fall. You will crash, stand up, and get back on the road. We are here to provide maximum protection under extreme conditions, all our gear is officially CE approved, it has been designed to stand the test of time and meet the highest standards of safety in the industry. Because for our road warriors, riding is like breathing – they can’t live without it. 

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